Thursday, September 16, 2010

how many sides does a polygon have

One day when i had to solve some physics problem, i looking for a site which gives help with physics, came across many such sites. I was only aware of the math help online but had never heard of physics help ever before.

My teacher had given us a problem and asked us to solve this problem in the school in front of the class, and i was very much worried about this because i did not know the concept at all. I was worried and deep in my thoughts thinking of some plan for not attending school on the following day. Suddenly i heard two class mates discussing about the online help. I turned around and asked them to tell me the details as well and they opened up saying that there is online help we get even on physics.

I rushed back home and sat in front of the system and hunted for sites which will help me in physics help and i got it. I found the same tutor who once helped me in solving the problems on how many sides does a polygon have? I was so happy to see him back and thanked him a lot.

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