Friday, July 16, 2010

Circle Properties

Friends, i have a picture of a clock here towards your right...what do you see in it? What is the first thing which comes to your find when you see this clock? Yes you are right it is the shape of the clock i.e. circle......basics of geometry.

I have the definition of circle already discussed with you earlier.

Today i am here to discuss on circle and circle properties. Look below for the properties of circle.

* The arc of a circle contains two points on the circle and all of the points on the circle that lie between those two points.

* Chord is a segment and having end points which is on a circle.

* Diameter of circle: Length of the diameter = 2 × length of the radius.

* Circumference of a Circle: Circumference = 3 × diameter (approx.).

These are the properties of learning circles.

An easy concept right....Well friends i will come back again with some more interesting concept in my next post. Tangent circles would be a good topic right..well watch out for it.......

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