Saturday, July 31, 2010

Factor of 32

Good morning my friends!!!!!!!! How are you all? Well i am sure you guys are practicing the topics which i post every day for you guys. Today i am here to help you find the factor of 32. Lets work on it with the help of a factor tree. We worked on factors of 45 earlier.

Problem 1:
Find the factor tree of 32.


Given, number 32.

We need to find the factors step by step....

Step 1: Write the number that we need to find the factors


Step 2: Then plot two branches and write the number as multiple of other two numbers.


/ \

2 16

Step 3: Continue this process until the factors are prime.


/ \

2 16

/ \ / \

1 2 2 8

/ \ / \

1 2 2 4

/ \

2 2

2 is prime number. We can’t divide it further.

This is the factor tree of 32. We can also write the factors of 32 by using the factor tree.

Guys look at the problem above and now you guys work on more factor of 40 and i will come back to you guys shortly with another informative topic.

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