Thursday, September 16, 2010

how many sides does a polygon have

One day when i had to solve some physics problem, i looking for a site which gives help with physics, came across many such sites. I was only aware of the math help online but had never heard of physics help ever before.

My teacher had given us a problem and asked us to solve this problem in the school in front of the class, and i was very much worried about this because i did not know the concept at all. I was worried and deep in my thoughts thinking of some plan for not attending school on the following day. Suddenly i heard two class mates discussing about the online help. I turned around and asked them to tell me the details as well and they opened up saying that there is online help we get even on physics.

I rushed back home and sat in front of the system and hunted for sites which will help me in physics help and i got it. I found the same tutor who once helped me in solving the problems on how many sides does a polygon have? I was so happy to see him back and thanked him a lot.

Monday, September 13, 2010

probability quiz

What if i start asking you probability quiz will you guys be able to answer the probability questions?

It sounds like fun guys, just imagine having questions on events, random experiment, sequence experiments or possible outcome and may be much more.

For example:-

James tosses two different coins simultaneously, what is the probability that he gets at least one head?

a) 2/3 b) 4/3 c) 3/4 d) 1/4

We can work on this example with probability right.

Guys, how about have quiz on triangle proofs in our next post. Give me your comments and if you want me to work on it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

identity property of addition

Do you remember working on identity property of addition earlier? We have also solved many problems on addition earlier, now lets work on it more with some simple examples of various property below...

Example: 1

Which of the following expression is the example of identity property of addition?

a) 9 × 1 = 9

b) 9 + 1 = 10

c) 9 × 0 = 0

d) 9 + 0 = 9


Option a:

First choice is the process of multiplication.

Option b:

Second process is the process of addition with another number.

Option c:

Third is also a multiplication process.

Option d:

Fourth choice is an addition process with an identity element of addition and the result is also same as the given number. So, the answer is 9 + 0 = 9

Answer: d

Guys i came up with a new thing pictograph worksheets its just awesome...just go for it...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

factors of 63

What are the factors of 63, lets look below for the answer. You can look at the various other factors of 45, 24 and many more...

Factors of 63:----- The factors of 63 are 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, and 63.

Look for many more such examples i have worked on. The various numbers that i worked on. They will help you out with a good knowledge of factors.

Guys have you looked at the problem of mean, median and mode, have you worked on them. Well now you have the option of getting the perfect answer using the median calculator, try this out...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Math enrich

Guys today we will discuss on enrich maths problems in simpler solving methods in maths. We have worked on many simple math problems which has worked helpful to you all.

Mathematics is the study of properties, capacity, sets, using numbers and symbols, right this is what we have learn t and the elementary maths operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Algebra, geometry, calculus are concept of mathematics.

Here below lets see a few example problems to learn math enrichment.

Example 1:

Solve for x: 15x-3 = 5x+67.


Given expression is, 15x-3 = 5x+67.

Subtract 5x on both sides, 15x-3-5x = 67

10x-3 = 67

Then add 3 on both sides, 10x = 70

Now, divide both sides by 10,

x = 70/10

x = 7 (answer)

Are you aware of related rates problems and solutions, if no don't worry i will come back with the concept shortly.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

arc length formula

Lets get back to geometry today, i have arc length formula for you guys below. I have mentioned how important geometry is for us right . Now lets look at the formula below.

The arc length for a sector of a circle is given by the arc length formula S = r.θ

Here S - represents the arc length - represents the radius of the circle

θ - represents the angle in radians made by the arc at the centre of the circle

I will come back with some examples on this concept shortly. I want you guys to look at the math past papers and find out if there are some problems related to arc length and we will work on it....

Friday, August 27, 2010

picture graph

Lets see what is picture graph i have explained what is a bar graph. Interesting isn't it?? Yes it is..lets learn that below.

A Line graph picture is one of the line charts. It is simple to understand the data’s. They can compare two variables in line graph pics. On Line graph pics each variable is plotting along an axis. A graph picture has a vertical & horizontal axis.

This was the definition for picture graph above, we will see what is vertex angle in our next post. Do you guys have any topic that you want me to discuss. Feel free to post your comments.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rules of writing numbers in words

Lets see what are the rules of writing numbers in words, look below... In mathematics the numbers are also represented in the form of words.

Rules for Writing Numbers in Words:

* The number of digits in the given numbers should be notified.
* The positions of each digit are considered.
* Finally convert the each digit into words with their respective positions.

Lets learn how we can solve by factoring shortly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

list of square roots

Let us see a few examples for the list of square root.

1. Square root of 9 is equal to 3
2. The square root of 121 is 11
3. The square root of 16 is 4
4. The square root of 25 is 5
5. The square root of 36 is 6

There are many more numbers which i will discuss again shortly.

By just practicing math every day, you will find math as super math world, believe me that...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Simplify sqare root

Good morning guys....happy to see you all again.. well friends, today i have come up with simplify square roots problem. I have observed many of you guys requesting to find the simplify square root of 40.

Simplify the square root of 40?


The given number is 40

Square root of 40 can be expressed √40

Very smallest factors of 40 = 2 * 4 * 5

Square root of 40 = √40 = √2 * 4 * 5 we know √a * a = a

So, √2 * √4 * √5

we know √2 = 1.414 , √4 = 2 and √5 = 2.236

= 2 * 1.414 * 2.236

= 6.323

Answer: The Square root value of 40 is 6.323

We will learn how to find range in our next post until then just wait...

Monday, August 16, 2010

free trignometry help

How much do we all know about trigonometry? Some of us know the definition and some of us have just heard the word called trigonometry. Many of us look for trigonometry help online to increase our knowledge.

I ask my friends who are not aware of this technology to look for these sites and not to worry about the concept.

We been provided with trigonometry geometry answers and show us the sample problems. With the help of this online trigonometry tutoring isn't it possible for us to learn trigonometry perfectly? Well, guys answer me this and send me your views on this post. Mention your concerns and let me know you, if you want to know more on this topic.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Calculus Tutor

Guys today let me give you the introduction to calculus. Are you aware in which field we need calculus? Well calculus is used in areas like engineering and science. Don't you think when we realize that calculus is used in other fields also we must get good calculus tutor.

With the help of learning calculus, we actually build a bridge which helps us to learn mathematics along with other subjects better.

There are sites which has online calculus problems solve them and if you are not aware of these problems you can take help of free calculus tutor also.

They will help you get the best help online.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Right angle triangle

Guys back with triangle again today, what is right angle triangle? Look for the different types of triangles and try working on them.

Definition of a right angle triangle:-

A right angled triangle is a triangle which has one 90 degree (right angle) in it. The longest side of the triangle is called the hypotenuse of the triangle. This hypotenuse side is opposite to the right angle (90 degree).The other two sides are called legs.

Just look at the diagram on top and get to know what is a right angle triangle.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

definition of Hexagon

Good morning my little friends.. Can you guys tell me how many sides does a hexagon have? I think we have already discussed on a similar concept earlier also, does any body remember...yes, its the definition of Heptagon.

Definition of Hexagon:-
A hexagon is one of the polygon, the hexagon has six sides, six vertex and six interior angles. The sum of interior angles of a hexagon will be equal to 720 degree.

Properties of Hexagon:

The below three properties are important for hexagon. They are,

1. Amount of triangles used in hexagon

2. Amount of diagonal used in the hexagon

3. Total number of the internal angles used in the hexagon

You should be able to do your homework now without any difficulty if it is topic related to geometry.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

9th Grade math help

Morning Folks!!! guys i am here with grade 9 math simple problems which will be as useful and full of information as you found my post which was for 7th grade math problems.

Problem No1:-

Adding the polynomial 3x4 – 4x2 + 5x + 3 and 4x + 7x3 – 6x2 – 1.


Use the associative property and distributive properties we get the

(3x4 – 4x2 + 5x + 3) + (7x3 – 6x2 + 4x – 1) = 3x4 + 7x3 – 4x2 – 6x2 + 5x + 4x + 3 – 1

= 3x4 + 7x3 – (4+6)x2 + (5+4)x + 2

= 3x4 + 7x3 – 10x2 + 9x + 2.

Look at the following method which is very helpful when adding two polynomials

3x4 +0x3– 4x2 + 5x + 3

0x4 + 7x3 – 6x2 + 4x – 1

3x4 + 7x3– 10x2 + 9x + 2


Problem No2:-

Diameter of the garden is 9.8 find the area?


Diameter, d = 9.8 m. Therefore, radius r = 9.8 /2 = 4.9 m

Area of the circle = ╥ *R*R

= 3.14*4.9*4.9

= 75.46 m2

Let me come back with you with some help to my grade 10 math friends very soon until then keep :-)...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Factor of 32

Good morning my friends!!!!!!!! How are you all? Well i am sure you guys are practicing the topics which i post every day for you guys. Today i am here to help you find the factor of 32. Lets work on it with the help of a factor tree. We worked on factors of 45 earlier.

Problem 1:
Find the factor tree of 32.


Given, number 32.

We need to find the factors step by step....

Step 1: Write the number that we need to find the factors


Step 2: Then plot two branches and write the number as multiple of other two numbers.


/ \

2 16

Step 3: Continue this process until the factors are prime.


/ \

2 16

/ \ / \

1 2 2 8

/ \ / \

1 2 2 4

/ \

2 2

2 is prime number. We can’t divide it further.

This is the factor tree of 32. We can also write the factors of 32 by using the factor tree.

Guys look at the problem above and now you guys work on more factor of 40 and i will come back to you guys shortly with another informative topic.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Area of a triangle

Here guys how are you? The topic for the day is area of a triangle. We just learn t how to find the area of a circle. now lets see how to calculate the area of a triangle. Look for the problem below.

Problem No. 1

Find area of the triangle with a base of 4cm and height of 6cm?


Area of the triangle(A) = ½ b*h

= [1/2] *4 *6

= [1/2] *24

Area =12cm2

Look at the diagram above which is a perfect example of an equilateral triangle. Work on more area of triangle problems to increase your knowledge on this topic.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Volume of a cube

Friends, as i mentioned earlier i am back with volume of a cube :-) now lets work on it. But how about the definition of a cube? Do we know that? I am sure some of us know it and some of us do not know it. Lets learn that...first...

Definition of cube:- It is a solid figure whose length, width and height are all equal. The side length of cube is called its volume.

The volume of the cube is given by the following formula.

V= a*a*a
V=a3 cubic units.

Here V is the volume of the cube, a is the side or the edge of the cube.

I will have many gk questions in my next post check on those post and improve your knowledge on math...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Circle Properties

Friends, i have a picture of a clock here towards your right...what do you see in it? What is the first thing which comes to your find when you see this clock? Yes you are right it is the shape of the clock i.e. circle......basics of geometry.

I have the definition of circle already discussed with you earlier.

Today i am here to discuss on circle and circle properties. Look below for the properties of circle.

* The arc of a circle contains two points on the circle and all of the points on the circle that lie between those two points.

* Chord is a segment and having end points which is on a circle.

* Diameter of circle: Length of the diameter = 2 × length of the radius.

* Circumference of a Circle: Circumference = 3 × diameter (approx.).

These are the properties of learning circles.

An easy concept right....Well friends i will come back again with some more interesting concept in my next post. Tangent circles would be a good topic right..well watch out for it.......

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mathematics Quiz

Friends, we have worked on many topics related to ratio, proportion, the post below has a related topic that is comparing ratios. check out for sites which offers free online math help these sites will help you increase your knowledge in math.

Well, do you guys like Quiz, have you tried answering some questions asked in a quiz? This is the best method to increase your knowledge in mathematics. Look for the quiz questions below and start answering them.

Question No 1:-

Determine the pair of ratios which forms a proportion.

A ) 7.5 / 10, 18 / 24

B ) 7 / 5, 20 / 34

C ) 1 / 3, 5 / 11

D ) 2.5 / 10, 2 / 17

Question No. 2:-

Identify the pair of proportions that are equivalent to the ratio 72 : 99.

A ) 8 / 11 and 40 / 55
B ) 8 / 11 and 32 / 54

C ) 9 / 11 and 18 / 22

D ) None of the above

Question No.3:-

Out of the options given, check which pair of ratios does not form a proportion.

A ) 1 / 7, 6 / 42

B ) 2 / 4, 18 / 36

C ) 7 / 28, 2 / 8

D ) 9 / 5, 21 / 37

Question No 4:-

Which ratio is greater -- 21:32 or 73:32?

Above mentioned questions are put up just for you to work on it. Try finding the answers for it. If you are unable to find the answers look for it below. But first try working on it.


Solution 1: - The right answer is Option A

Solution 2: - The right answer is Option A

Solution 3: - The right answer is Option D

Solution 4: - Therefore, 73:32 is greater than 21:32.

Were you able to find answers :-) . Work on it and let me know your views on this post.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Geometrical Objects

Let Us Learn About Geometrical Objects


A point is the most fundamental object in geometry. It is represented by a dot and named by a capital letter. A point represents position only; it has zero size


A line can be thought of as connected set of infinitely many points. It extends infinitely far in two opposite directions. A line has infinite length, zero width, and zero height. Any two points on the line name it. The symbol ↔written on top of two letters is used to denote that line. A line may also be named by one small letter

Collinear points

Points that are lie on the same line are called collinear points. If there is no line on which all of the points lie, then they are non-collinear points.


A plane has an infinite set of points forming a connected flat surface extending infinitely far in all directions. A plane has infinite length, width, and zero height (or thickness). It is usually represented in drawings by a four-sided. A single capital letter is used to denote a plane. The word plane is written with the letter so as not to be confused with a point


Postulate 1: A line contains at least two points.

Postulate 2: A plane has at least three non-collinear points with it.

Postulate 3: If we cross through any two points, there is exactly one line.

Postulate 4: If we cross through any three non-collinear points, there is exactly one plane.

Postulate 5: If two points lie in a plane, then the line joining them lies in that plane.

Postulate 6: If two planes intersect with each other, then their intersection is a line.

Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Simple integers division

In my previous post i gave you the introduction on Integers, and also the need to integers. Today lets learn more on integers. Lets solve a few problems on division integers. This post will help you solve any math problems in seconds. Watch out....

Problem No. 1:-

The given integers are 15 and 3. Find the division of given integers.


Integers are 15 and 3

It can be written as,

3 ) 15 (5





This division has quotient only.


Problem No.2 with a reminder.

Find the division of the integers 25 and 3.


Given integers are 25 and 3.

Then the process is,

3 ) 25 ( 8





The quotient is 8 and the remainder is 1.

These were the two different types of division integers out of which one had zero as a reminder and the other is with a reminder one. Go through them and give me your comments on this.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I have discussed about what are integers in my post earlier also, but i wanted to discuss this in more details and know why is there a need of integers. There are many sites now a days who gives you complete online help to calculate integers. Visit these sites to improve your knowledge on this. Lets begin...

Introduction of integers:- Integers are set of positive numbers and negative numbers along with zero. They are also called as directed numbers, Each directed number is descreibed in terms of its numerical value an the direction. These numbers are used whenever opposites are involved.

On the number line, 0 is the origin or the starting point. All the natural numbers are to the right of 0. Have you looked at the number line. Look and observe it.

Need for Integers:- Why do you think integers are used? For example when you measure the height of a tree, it is always taken from ground level or the surface of the earth to its top. Here the ground level may be considered as 0, that is the origin. Same as the number line 0 is the origin(mentioned above). Therefore to measure them we need integers.

To distinguish numbers on the sides of 0(either above or below 0 and to the right and left of 0) opposite signs (+positive and -negative) are used. The positive numbers are mentioned in the right of the origin or zero and the negative numbers are mentioned to the left of the origin or zero.

To understand the concept better look at the image above, this gives you a clear picture on number line. Let me know you comments on this. Was this post useful? Feel free to put your views.